Ainsley Oates - Glee Club

With an angelic voice and a personality to match, Ainsley makes a wonderful singing teacher. Teaching our Glee Club, she passes on her passion for all things musical theatre to the students of NBD.
Beginning her training as a young child, Ainsley was invited to be a part of TDP (Talent Development Program) where she worked with performers such as Jackie Love and Peter Cousens. Graduating from ED5 International in 2013 with a Diploma of Performing Arts (vocal major) she has continued to inspire others through her singing lessons.
Ainsley has performed at the 2013 Premiers Concert at the Sydney Entertainment Centre, as a club vocalist with Control, back-up vocalist for the Robbie Williams Tribute Show and a wedding vocalist with Voci D’Amore. She has also performed in several children’s productions such as The Party Pirates and plays Elsa at themed events (our young students think this is the Coolest. Thing. Ever.).
A firm believer in continuous development, Ainsley consistently grows as an artist by attending courses at NIDA, The Actor’s Studio, screen acting classes at the Sydney Screen Actors Group and Sydney Actors Collective as well as singing lessons with esteemed vocal coaches, Pat H Wilson (Hi-5) and Kym Parrish (ED5).
Ainsley is a great role model for young performers and her work ethic and drive are infectious!
After a break to start her family and enjoy maternity leave Ainsley will be back for her 5th year teaching at NBD.